Friday, September 24, 2010

Typical Wedding Order and Necessary Musical Selections

One of the great things about a wedding ceremony is that the couple can tailor it exactly to their liking; after all, they're the ones getting married. Nothing is set in stone, unless the bride and groom choose it to be such.

That being said, it's nice to have a starting point. A typical wedding order would look something like the following, with places for musical selections notated:
  • Prelude
    15-30 min. before ceremony, guests are being seated, various musical selections (sometimes this is left to performer to decide, other times it is selected by bride/groom)
  • Seating of the Mothers/Grandmothers
    1 musical selection.
  • Entrance of the bridal party
    Includes bridesmaids, ring bearer, flower girl, etc. Often a runner is pulled down the aisle at the end for the bride's entrance which follows. 1 musical selection.
  • Bridal Processional
    1 musical selection.
  • Welcome/Address from Officiant
  • Scripture/Poetry Reading/Prayer
  • Special Musical Performance (soloist, etc.)
    1 musical selection
  • Devotion or Sermon by Officiant
  • Vows & Rings
  • Unity Candle or Communion
    Sometimes includes 1 musical selection, depending on time, sometimes a second soloist performance, sometimes simply background music
  • Pronouncement
  • Recessional
    1 musical selection
  • Postlude
    5-15 minutes, various musical selections, similar to prelude

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